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About Malta

There’s some uncertainty where the name ‘Malta’ comes from. Some believe it’s from the ancient Greeks who called the island Μελίτη (MelitÄ“) or “honey-sweet" because of its historic honey production. While others attribute the origin of the name to the Phoenician word Maleth meaning "a haven" in reference to Malta's many bays and coves. Either way, both words are fitting for this sweet Mediterranean paradise. Historically, Malta was a naval stronghold due to its strategic positioning. Today, Malta is a hot-spot for tourism and enjoys a stable and advanced economy.



  • The right to live, work and study in any of the 28 EU countries and the UK
  • Travel visa-free to 166 countries, including the EU and Canada
  • Reasonable contribution and an efficient application process
  • Residency Card in 4 (four) weeks, Citizenship approval in 6 (six) months processing time & passport issuance in 12 (twelve) months (inclusive of processing time)
  • Malta is an attractive place to live or to own a second home and is strategically located with excellent air links





6-12 months


EURO 250,000


166 countries

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Are you looking for a second passport?
Do you plan to migrate or move to another country?